Posted on Jul 06, 2023

Club on Frontline means anything good will have credit to the club and we should deliver beyond our expectations. “For example , any officer in the battle field must be visible, positioned , on target and ready for any field confrontation ,in case of any bullet hit , you must be prepared to counter , if you’re not prepared you loose.” ~ Rtn Augustus Nuwagaba (DEAN OF AGs)


Qualities of a Front line Club.
  • Maximum alertnes, Highly Motivated, Highly Tactical – Goals on RCC to achieve your goals, High level of Flexibility –Change in Strategy with highest awards,   eg in 2 weeks depending on what you decide as a club., High Level of commit to mission, for example President HCP, AG, Governor:, mostly  positively Talked about in the district,  Attendance of DCA must be 100% since it is governors club, Do things to be talked about media postings, you can also use Felix Osike  of New Vision , Foster a team culture, Avail Robust Systems –Rotary is a Club Systems, every month, Club Assembly, Give sufficient decision –making authority to concerned persons –Getting things done through people not yourself “Leadership is leading from the front “, Regular feedback –Club knows what is going on i.e. Grapevine not rumor, Transparency and feedback,  Invest in better projects –Conduct project feasibility studies –Best Education and Literacy,  Communicate Results, make sure that Attendance is high, and make fliers to thank members who have come for the fellowship, recognize them and celebrate smaller achievements for your members,  Value peoples Opinion – You need Visibility and drive together, Agree on position –lead from the front,  Recognize and reward high performance –Look for your friends to support, Provide growth opportunities –year to show your competence, highest performance, visit other clubs both inside and outside.