Posted on Jul 13, 2023

Almost every day in our life we participate in public speaking, for example persuading a client in business  weekly or Monthly for good patternship.

How we can be better in persuasive speaking.

What determines Public Speaking? –Using words to help understand your point of view or sale a new idea. It is a Very important tool when you want to be a leader ~ Paul Kavuma on Persuasive Speaking

Ways on how you can motivate people listening to you. -To scare them, hang them and follow you. -Persuade them they stay.
How can you persuade people?
Conduct Trainings: -Speed to inspire i.e. Inspirational /Motivation ~ Inspiration Speaking –when speaking to Inspire, your listeners are already in support or give morale to boost them .e.g. Like Sermons on Sunday mornings, to re-enforce your beliefs. A talk to re-enforce and support their beliefs of a team that you lead.
-Speaking to Convince ~ Speaking to convince –to show the listeners the idea you are selling, i.e. Sale them something /option.
-Call to action ~ End your presentations to members to fulfill their obligations i.e. pay membership fee. TO convince them and achieve higher goals.